Saturday, December 15, 2007

I'm A Shepherd (update)

Well, I reported to the dress rehearsal for Tree of Life's Christmas Program and I am not playing a shepherd. I'm playing the Good Shepherd.

When I arrived last night I noticed that Pastor Don suddenly stopped talking to people as I walked in the sanctuary. His eyes locked in on me. He put his hand up in the general direction of the people that were asking him questions and he began to stalk towards me. I bravely walked towards Don and met him halfway. Without saying a word Don began to analyze my face.

"Nice beard," said Don.
"Thanks," Jason responded.
"You won't even need a costume beard," said Don.
"That's good to know," Jason responded.
"Cause the beard glue would get stuck in your real beard," said Don.
"That wouldn't be good," Jason responded.
"No, that wouldn't be good at all," said Don. "We can't have Jesus getting glue in his beard."
"Ummmmmm....I'm playing Jesus?" Jason asked.
"Well of course," Don said. As he placed his hand on my shoulders Don pointed me towards my costume and began to tell me my cue.

So I'm playing Jesus. The performances start tonight. I'll be standing with the lost sheep.

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