Friday, January 25, 2008

Though I Am Weak

Its a sad statement, but sometimes God has to overwhlem me to get my attention and He did that in a subtle way two days ago.
I was blessed with the opportunity to speak in the main sanctuary of my church this past Wednesday night. I wasn't as nervous as I usually am, but when I walked into the sanctuary I was hit by the awesome responsibility someone has when he stands up to preach God's Word. I asked Joe if I could stand back in the media room before the service started and he let me in. Standing back there in dark obscurity I watched as people walked by and I felt completely incapable of giving those people what they needed.
In that moment, before I had the chance to panic, the Lord spoke into my spirit that He is able to work through me only when I realize that my own skills and talents are useless without Him. His power is made perfect in my weakness. Though I am weak, He is strong. As I spoke that night, I felt Him giving me words that I hadn't planned, and taking me in directions that I had not mapped out.
I probably studied for about 3 weeks for that message, reading scriptures and commentaries and histories and expository dictionaries and that message was the best message I have ever given. What no one else knows is that my 15 pages of typed notes and outlines that I took to the front with me and opened up at the beginning, remained virtually unread...

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